Friday, February 7, 2020

Article meta-analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Article meta-analysis - Essay Example The article argues that the limited amount of earning in the labor market is implicated to the individual poverty and the difference in groups’ rates poverty. The main goal of the article was to give an alternative view of how labor markets work to generate poverty that provides that provides a richer basis for generating good policy advice. The article believes that the working class, who are the main contributors of the poverty, is seriously limited and flawed. Because of this, they provide a poor basis for generating good antipoverty policy advice (Swinton 221) Economic theory related to the issue As stated above, the article tried to expound the issue of poverty among the working class individuals from the economic point of view. The article argues that the kind of poverty affecting the working class occurs primarily due to the interaction between the supply and demand forces in a competitive market environment. It states that the difference in levels of poverty experience d by different families who are exposed to the same poverty standards occurs strictly from differences in the ownership of or willingness to supply labor. The article therefore, states that poverty, unemployment, or underemployment can be corrected only through adoption f efficient market processes. The article found out that the working class povert

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